Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mistletoe ...

Misty was fascinated watching the wildlife rescue people.  Just last week she and Mouse, accompanied by Andrew, had gathered up Magnolia the Beaver, who could not be healed on earth.  Magnolia was now with other beavers, happily working on her den.

Mama had been very attuned to wildlife.  Most of them "met with untimely ends" on the highways where she had lived, and many were buried in the little cemetery Mama had.  When possible she simply moved them off the roads, and into more suitable resting spots, accepting that the dead became food for the living.  She didn't like that part, but she understood.

And though so many of the rescued at the facility where Magnolia had been were comfy and warm, with full tummies, yet another had come whose future looked bleak.  Misty thought to herself "I must go find An ...."

"I'm here, sweetheart," the Angel replied.

"How DO you do that! Mouse and Peanut told me you just appear when we think of you but I didn't realize just what they meant!"

Picking up the puzzled kitty he spoke soothingly to her.  "It's the way things are. I see you're worried about the little fox.  It is time for us to go and get her."

"You mean they are going to stop her heart like Magnolia?"

"No, Dear One, she is slipping away on her own.  Her injuries were too severe for the medical team to fix."

With that, Andrew and Misty vanished.  The people huddled around Mistletoe were too busy to notice that anything was different in the room, and as quietly as they came, Andrew gathered Mistletoe in his arms, and with a little cat beside him, faded from sight.

"When will she wake up?" Misty asked.

Andrew was sitting on the big rock, with the Grey fox curled up on his lap.  "Soon."

And even as they waited, several more foxes joined them. Each watched silently, ready to help when the time was right.  Soon, she stirred, and looked up at Andrew.  Though she should have been afraid, for some reason she wasn't.

"Hello Little One!"

Mistletoe's eyes grew wide as she looked around her.  There were other foxes nearby, who seemed glad to see her as well.  "Where am I?"

"Your time on earth was cut short by an accident.  Some very good people tried to help you, but your  injuries were too severe.  SO, now you are here with us, for all eternity!"

One of the other foxes piped up "It's the promise made by our Creator!  He knows about all of us, every one! and if one of us falls, He knows, and then we come here, and we're safe all day, and there's lots to eat, andmeadowstoplayin ...."

And the more excited he got the more his words ran together, and the others joined in, creating quite a din.  Andrew laughed at them, this was always the part of things he liked best.

Mistletoe looked first at Andrew, then the foxes, then the little cat, and back at Andrew who reached into his pocket and pulled out fox sized treats and shared them with the others as well.

"So we take you to the Bridge, and then you jump off, and then ..."  Misty hadn't worked enough on her presentation, and again got all jumbled up.

"She's right. While the people you left behind are sad, this is a joyous day for you, come, let us go meet the others."  With that, the odd assortment of foxes, cat and angel disappeared ...

.... and came to rest on a beautiful bridge made of every color.  He lowered Mistletoe to the Bridge.  Misty and the other foxes jumped off and joined the waiting group of animals.  What a sight THAT was!  More foxes, deer, beaver, woodchucks ... and others Misty couldn't identify.

"Ya gotta jump off!"

This, from a little fox standing by a lovely doe.  The doe smiled at him, lowered her muzzle to lick the top of his head.  She then looked up at Mistletoe and said "Yes, dear, you must accept the promise made for you at the beginning of time.  Come down from there, and join us.  We all are family here, there are others of your kind waiting to meet you."

Mistletoe looked up at Andrew.  She thought to herself what a strange turn of events. First it was the noisy machine that hit her on the road. Then darkness, and pain. She remembered how tired she was.  But now, all of that was gone, she felt warm and alive, pain free and happy.  She knew she had much to learn, but this gentle person had made her feel safe.  Looking back at the assembled animals (there were so MANY!), she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped!

Mouse had joined Misty, along with Peanut the dachshund.  "Where did you guys disappear to?"

"I was watching Mama.  She was using the writie box, and water came out of her eyes. So I asked Andrew, but he already knew, and then we were there, and he picked up Mistletoe and we went to the rock, and then came here and ...

Mouse giggled.  Yup, Misty was getting the hang of things here.   The two felines slipped away from the group and went to the meadow's edge.

"We've got her, Mama, tell them she's safe with us, and is with the other foxes.  Um, and Mama?  We love you, and miss you ...."

As the woman typed, tears slid down her cheeks ....

©Rose Scott

Friday, December 13, 2019

I am so happy to announce that my first book is available for purchase from Amazon!  If you love my stories, you'll love my book!  And stay tuned for the sequel ... the same but different!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Magnolia ...

Andrew watched as Misty and Mouse chattered away, like long lost sisters.  They had never met, but both had lived with the same human “Mama” on earth.  There were tears, yes, but a lot of laughter too.  He hated to disturb them, but this was a perfect opportunity for them to experience.  He settled himself on “council rock” as Katie had named the big stone Andrew often sat on as he greeted newcomers, and called them to him.

“Another comes, and I thought you two might want to meet her, and help her with her transition.  She wasn’t a pet, she is a beaver, one who was attacked by dogs.  Her caretakers have done all they could to help her, but the decision has been made to send her to us.”

The two Scottish Fold cats looked at Andrew, and digested all that he had said. “We’re ready!” and with that the three of them were gone ...

.... and found themselves in an odd place in Tennessee.  There were cages, if you could call them that,  as “natural” as they could be to emulate “natural habitat”.  There were skunks, raccoons, foxes, all manners and sorts of critters of various ages being cared for by the people who loved them.  They were not pets, but instead victims of accidents, or traps, or any other dangers to unsuspecting wildlife.  It didn’t take long to find them ...

...gathered around a sweet beaver, who had been attacked by unknown predator or predators and was not responding to treatment.  She was wrapped up in a blue blanket, to keep her warm.  As the people asked each other if they had “tried everything”, and if there was anything more that they could do for her.  Her injuries were one thing, but the maggots, natures “cleanup crew” had started early, and  had complicated things.

“She’s in pain, and her injuries are more than her body can fight.  It’s time ...”

The two kitties looked up at Andrew. “what are they doing?”

“They’re giving her medicine that will stop her heart beat.  Then we will take her away from here.”

Even as Andrew spoke, he reached out and lifted the beaver in his arms, and as the two cats pressed close to his gown, they were gone.

Andrew put her down beside the creek, one kitty on each side of her.  Slowly she stirred, and awoke. Looking around she saw nothing familiar, but the scent of the fresh water attracted her.  She rose, and drank.  Then, as a lady should, she cleaned her whiskers, and washed her face.  Her lovely coat was thick and looked like sable.


A cat? clearing her throat? and a second cat?

“It’sokaywewonthurtyoucomemeetAndrewhe’sourfriend ...”

Now every beaver knows it’s hard enough to understand Cats, but even worse when they run their words together.

“You’re scaring her.  It’s okay Magnolia, come with us ...”

At least the other cat seemed more composed, as though she’s used to talking to beavers.  Okay, I’ll follow along ...

.... and sat at Andrew’s feet.

“Good evening, Magnolia! We’re happy to see you!”

“Huh? Magnolia? Why did you call me that? and who are YOU? and these ... these CATS?”

Andrew smiled, and lifted the little beaver to his lap.  Reaching into his pocket he produced a treat for her, and for each of the kitties.

“You were named Magnolia by the people who tried to save your life.  You were injured badly, but they didn’t find you in time, and so they sent you here.”

“um, where’s ‘here’ exactly?” she asked, while chomping happily on her treat.

“‘Here’ is Heaven. The Creator has provided for all of Earth’s creatures, and knows when even the smallest of them is in trouble.  Your days upon the Earth have been cut short, but here you will live on, healthy and happy, until the end of time.  This is the covenant made between Man and the Creator.”

“Where do I go now?” she asked, still puzzled by all this ...

“With others of your kind. You will never be cold, or hungry, you cannot be hurt.  You may enjoy all things beaver!”

“But you have to jump off the Bridge, and ...”

Andrew chuckled, and petted Misty.  She had only been here a week, this was her first ‘meet and greet’.   “Come.  We will explain ...”

Andrew rose, Magnolia under one arm, the two kitties close beside him .....

....and appeared on the beautiful Bridge of which Misty had spoken.  Many forest critters were assembled, beavers in front!!

Mouse and Misty jumped down, and looked back at Magnolia.  One of the waiting beavers looked up at Magnolia and said “Welcome!  Join us!!”

Magnolia looked at Andrew questioningly, as he put her down and smiled at her.  “Yes, dear one, it is time.”

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped down into the waiting group of wildlife.  They all were talking at once,

With a nod and a smile to Misty and Mouse, Andrew faded from sight.

“C’mon Misty, let’s go tell Mama!  She’ll be so pleased ...”.

With that, the two ran to the edge of the meadow and turned their thoughts toward home. “She’s okay, Mama,  Me and Misty ... er, Misty and I, we went with Andrew and we brought her home.  Tell your friends ... “

As the two cats purred their love and their thoughts toward earth, the woman smiled ... and opened her computer ...

©Rose Scott

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Misty Whispurrs ...

Oh no, not yet ... Mouse thought, a sadness falling over her.  I must find Andrew ...

"Right here, Little One."

"I'm too upset to even be upset with you for appearing out of nowhere" Mouse answered, as tender hands lifted her up onto the angel's lap.

"it's Misty, and I didn't think it would be this soon. Mama's a wreck."

"I know, I've been watching for days. But you knew her health was failing ..."

"yes, but I had hoped there would be some magic that could give her a few more months. I watched Wednesday night ... Mama held her on her bare skin for hours to keep her warm.  Mama was brave that night, and for three days Misty lay curled in her basket in the closet.  Mama visited her a lot ... and Stormy too.  He didn't understand.  He whined for Mama to "fix her" but no one could.

And today Mama laid her to rest.  And then Mama lost it."

Andrew spoke softly to Mouse, so softly no human ear could hear.  "Come, we must meet Misty". 

Awakening from her nap, Misty stretched, and washed one paw, then the other, as well mannered kitties do. She found herself in a lovely meadow, beside a little creek, merrily splashing on the rock-bed as it flowed out of sight.  She was thirsty, and this water tasted SOOOOO good!

Having had her fill, a strange thought started to nip at her mind ... she looked around her, noting the trees with their branches slowly waving,  saw a rock, and a man, and another kitty, and knew.  As she padded softly toward them, many thoughts went though her mind. This had to be the place Mama spoke of so often, the man, the other kitty ...

"... then you must be Andrew?" she asked, as she drew near. "and Mouse?  I cannot imagine anyone else would be here to meet me". 

Andrew lifted her to his lap, and stroked her head in his soothing way.  "I am sure you have many questions ..."

"Actually, I don't.  Mama and I talked about all this a lot.  Especially when I began to lose weight. I know she didn't want to believe I would be taken from her so soon, but she knew it was inevitable."

"Ah, but our Creator's time line is always accurate, no matter how we feel about it. And like Mouse, you didn't leave her right away after your life ended, you stayed for a few days.  She was comforted by that, but today was the hardest, she had to admit you were gone from her."

"No, I am NOT gone from her. I will ALWAYS be with her".  Tears slid from her eyes, as did from Andrew and Mouse as well.  

Mouse agreed, "We ARE always with her.  And with Daddy too.  But it still hurts."

As Andrew petted them both, he sighed.  He knew the pain their humans felt, even though angels were not supposed to feel pain and sorrow.  He was glad that his assignment kept him with these sweet creatures, and he learned much from them.  He learned how to be a better angel if you could imagine that, but then again, maybe that was why the Creator planned things.  There was much even angels didn't know.  

"Well, shall we go? I'm sure the others are waiting for us ...."  Andrew didn't want to rush them, but he knew everyone would feel better.  He knew the others were sad, and were waiting for Misty.  With that thought in mind he rose, one kitty under each arm, and faded from view ...

....only to appear again on the beautiful Bridge of many colors.  He set them both down at his feet, and Mouse jumped first, taking her place with Mittens, Pepper, Katie, Nikki, Peanut and several German Shepherds Misty had never met.  

It was Mittens who spoke first ... "we've been waiting for you Misty, and we have lots to tell you about.  But first you have to jump ..."

"I have to accept all that was promised to us, right? And then I jump?" she looked up at Andrew. "There's no going back, you're sure?"

"Not as  you were, but yes, you may go back, and visit, and the others will teach you."

Misty looked at all the creatures waiting for her, many more had gathered behind the ones she had heard about from Mama.  They all seemed happy to see her, and yet they understood her feelings.  They knew it took time to adjust, to getting used to being here.

With one last look up at Andrew, who nodded at her that it was time, she closed her eyes and jumped. 

Immediately surrounded by the waiting cats and dogs, Misty felt the love around her.  She knew she was where she was supposed to be.  

Mouse slipped away softly, and went to the edge of the meadow.  "Mama, she's okay, she's here with us.  And you know what? Daddy's dogs are here too, all asking about him!  It's a really big reunion, believe me.  I know you and Daddy are sad .... but you know what you must do.  You must find another kitty to love a we were loved.  Not all kitties have mamas and daddies."

She purred as hard as she could, sending her love, and her thoughts across the stars, through the skies, and to the hearts of those who mourned.  All was well, all was as it should be, as the Creator promised.  They would all meet again one day.

As Andrew faded from view, he again thought about these sweet creatures.  The Creator, in his infinite wisdom, had planned for all this from the first moment of time.  There was much to learn, and as much as he already knew, Andrew knew he would learn even more from his furry family as he liked to think of them.  

It was all as it should be .... 

©Rose Scott