Friday, March 20, 2020


Stormy hunted for Misty, his new friend, with a troubled look on his face.  He’d only been here a day or so, and there was so much to learn. Spotting her snoozing in the morning sun, he trotted to her, and licked a folded ear.

“Mmmm, that feels good.”  Misty opened an eye to see who was there. “Stormy!  You’re up early, what’s happening?”

“I feel funny.  Kind of tingly.  Like I ought to be knowing something.”

“Ah.  Familiar thing.  Boy, you’re going to get a crash course in all this stuff!  Andre....”

“Hi sweetheart, you called?”

“Dang it, Andrew, give a girl a break! I didn’t even finish calling your name and you’re here.” Misty flounced herself down, trying not to be peeved at him.

Storm looked from Misty, to the Angel, and back to Misty. “I don’t understand one bit what’s happening.”

Andrew scoped him up and settled on “council rock” as the kitties had named it some time ago.  “I know what you are experiencing, and it was inevitable that you would, just hoped we’d have a little longer to bring you up to speed on how things work!”

Soothed by the angel’s touch, he said “I was all tingly.  And my nose whiskers twitched. But I didn’t twitch them. They just TWITCHED.”

Andrew chuckled. Not at him, but at his description.

“Another comes, from where you were. Perhaps we should greet him! Would you like to do that?”

“But how will I know where he is? Or who it is? Or when he’s coming?”

“Look over by the creek! I think you might find who you’re looking for.”

Sure enough, there sat a grey and white tabby, doing the familiar kitty stretch.  He had been in a wire box, and then he went to a place where people touched him, and then he got sleepy, and then he woke up here, wherever “here” is.  But as with all cats, the first lessen they learn as little kittens is “when in doubt, wash”.  SO, he did just that.  First one paw, then the other, and scrubbed behind his ears as well.  Hearing the creek’s noises, it occurred to him he was thirsty, so he padded to the edge, and lapped the cool water.  “MY is that good!” He thought. Much better than the water in puddles!

He turned around to take stock of the situation he found himself in, and saw a familiar kitty trotting toward him.

“Storm!  You’re here too!  But where’s HERE?” He asked.

“I don’t understand it all myself yet, but come with me, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

The two trotted toward Andrew and Misty.  “This is Andrew, he’s an angel. And this is Misty. I’m not exactly sure if she’s an angel too but here they are, and they’ll explain, because I’m still confused.”

Andrew picked up the tabby and settled him on his lap.  “Tig, is it? I think that’s what Storm called you.”

“Yessir, I’m Tig. Short for Tiger. There was a nice lady taking care of us, and then I went somewhere,  and fell asleep, and woke up over there. And here’s Stormy, but he died a few days ago ....”

As the pieces fell into place, Tig grew silent.  If Stormy is here, yet Stormy died days ago, then am I dead too?

Andrew comforted the confused kitty.  He could hear Tig’s thoughts, but gave him time to sort them out a little himself.

Misty broke the silence, “Storm came to us a few days ago, and now you’re here, and now we go to the Bridge, and then we jump off, and we wait for our families to come and then we go through the Gate!”

Andrew couldn’t stifle the laughter.  Tig looked from Misty to Storm, and then to Andrew, totally confused.

”She’s right, I guess that’s the Readers’ Digest version.”  As the puzzled cats looked at him, he continued.  “You see, when first the Creator made the earth, and all the plants and animals that live upon the earth, everything was beautiful.  Then Man started doing things that made the Creator mad, and in that anger, He washed everything off the earth,  He saved two of everything however, and when He got over being angry, he made a promise that he would never do that again.  He created a beautiful rainbow, a token of his promise, that He would provide a place for all of us for when our number of days upon earth had been done.

“This rainbow is a beautiful bridge.  All the living creatures who have died have had to cross that bridge, thereby accepting the Promise made to them.  Critters who had been pets will wait for their families to come and be reunited, and then go through the Great Gate into Heaven.”

Tig thought about that for a minute.  “But what if you didn’t have a family?  What if you were a bunny or a fox?  What if you were a homeless kitty?”

“He knows when even a sparrow falls,” replied the angel.  “Come. the others are waiting for us.” With that Andrew picked up Storm, and with a cat under each arm, and Misty close against his gown, they vanished ....

.... only to appear again on a beautiful bridge, made of every color of the rainbow.  Misty hopped down to join her friends.  Andrew set Storm and Tig down upon the Bridge.”

“I already jumped off when I got here, but I’ll jump with you if you’re scared,” offered Storm. Tig looked in utter amazement at the gathering of animals below him. Cats, dogs, birds, wild life, as far as he could see.

“You’re sure about this?” He asked.  “But who will WE meet?”

“Why, Kerry, of course! She took care of us and saw to it we were fed, and warm.  She knows about this place.”

Tig thought about that for a moment.  They hadn’t been “pets”, living in the house, sleeping on the beds, but there was that person who seemed to love them, who took care of them.  “If you’re sure, then I’m ready.”

With that, Tig and Storm jumped off the bridge and were met with nosie rubs and purrs from the waiting cats, and all the others.

As Andrew faded from sight he thought again about the bonds these creatures had with man. Some lived the life of luxury in man’s homes, others were cared for but allowed to run free.  Once again he marveled at the animals’ ability to grasp all that the Creator wanted them to understand.  It was as it should be.  As he looked  back, he saw Misty move away from the crowd to the edge of the meadow.

“Mama? Tell Kerry Tig and Storm are here with us, and they’re okay.  They have much to learn but we will teach them.  Tell her not to worry ....”

... and as the clock struck 3, the woman typed ....

©Rose Scott

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Storm ...

“Um, Andrew?”  Misty knew their angel was always in hearing distance of even the softest of whispers, and today was no exception.

“Yes dear one,” he replied.

“How do you DO that?” she asked, as she realized she was no longer basking in the sun with the others but was now on his lap as he sat on the rock the others had dubbed “Council Rock”.  Slightly flustered, she studiously scrubbed a paw. (“When in doubt, wash” had been one of the first lessons she had learned as a kitten. Not only hygienic, it also gave a moment to compose oneself in odd situations.)

Andrew stroked the little Scottish Fold. He enjoyed his charges so much, and had learned much from them. “Something on your mind?”

“Mama was reading on the writie box this morning, and was sad. A barn kitty had died. Would he have known how to get here? Can he be with us? Where do I go to find him?”

Andrew chuckled. Misty hadn’t been here all that long but she was quick to learn and always full of questions. Today was no exception!

“You forgot the most important thing!”


“That our Creator knows when even a sparrow falls.  Look over by the creek!”

And as she turned to look, Andrew closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them. There in the lush grass by the creek bed was a gray cat Misty had not seen before, just waking up. He stood up and stretched: first reaching as far forward with his front feet, then as far back as his back feet could reach. Then, as all cats do, he sat with tail curled around him, and washed his paw. Then he scrubbed his face with that paw, and repeated the process with his other front paw. Having finished with his ablutions, he padded softly to the waters edge for a drink. ‘My but this is good,’ he thought, so much sweeter than the puddles he’d find after a rain. Satisfied, he turned to take stock of things.

There was no barn in sight. Just a beautiful meadow, and over by a grove of trees a huge rock. On that rock sat a man, well, he looked like a man but he was dressed rather oddly, and on his lap sat a tabby cat with a white shirtfront and curiously bent ears. Storm trotted toward them cautiously.

He wasn’t afraid at all, though common cat sense dictated he should be. “Merow ?”

 “Hi, I’m Misty, and this is Andrew, and you’re okay, because He knows you’re here, and there’s lots of food, and it never gets cold, and ...”

That did it. Andrew loved these characters so much, especially when they got carried away explaining things. Laughing, “Misty is right but let’s back up and start over,” he said, reaching a hand toward the gray cat, with a tasty treat for him.

“All of the Creator’s creatures have a set time of days on the earth. When one has completed those days, Heaven’s Gates are opened.

“Some creatures live with man in his home as companions, others live as wildlife, away from man. Some are in between, like yourself. But all have been promised a life hereafter. Your role was to help maintain the balance between the wild and the domestic.

“Your work on earth has come to an end. Now you are here, where you will never be cold or hungry or alone again.”

 “So now we take Stormy to the Bridge?”

“Yes!”  With that, tucking Misty under one arm, and scooping up the other kitty to be held under his other arm, the three of them faded from sight ...

... and appeared on a beautiful Bridge made of every color of the rainbow. Andrew put Misty down first. Holding the gray in his arms, he spoke.  “Look before you!”

Blinking in amazement he saw cats and dogs, foxes and rabbits, owls and mice, birds of more colors than he had ever seen. “What IS this place?”

Misty hopped off the Bridge to join the others. A dainty grey and white kitty spoke: “Welcome! You have heard from Andrew, an angel of death, that your life on earth has ended. This is not a sad thing! For now you must accept the promise and covenant our  Creator made for all of us, that we would join Him and live forever here, where there is no pain, no sadness.

“The last thing you must do is accept that promise and jump down from there.  We will teach you the rest.”

The gray cat looked up at Andrew for confirmation. With a nod and a warm smile, he kissed the top of Storm's head and set him gently down on the Bridge. With one last look up at the angel, he closed his eyes tight, took a deep breath and jumped.

As Andrew faded from sight he smiled at the group below. It was a lot to take in, when one had not been taught these things as a kitten. But he would learn, and he would be well provided for as all of them were. This was the Great Promise. All was well.

Misty moved away from the others too the edge of the meadow.  “Mama? It’s okay!  Stormy’s here with us and we’re 'splaining it all to him.  Mama? Will you come soon?”

The woman was smiling as she typed ...

©Rose Scott

Friday, March 6, 2020

Black Beauty ...

Misty ran as fast as she could to where they usually found Andrew.  “Whoa there Little One, why the rush?”

“Oh it’s just awful and I need to go get Beauty, but I don’t kow how, and I watched Mama on the writeybox and water came out of her eyes,  and ...”

Andrew thought for a second, then said “I see.  Hmm.  OK, well, we’ll go, I’m sure the others will be ready when we return ...”. He picked up the little cat and was gone.

“Where is she? how do we find her? there’s so many feathers ...”

Andrew spoke sofly to a frightened spirit, a lovely black beautful chicken eyes wide with terror and frozen to her spot.  He blocked the view from the carnage behind him and spoke softly to her, as he scooped her up and tucked her under his arm just the way a chicken loves best.  “Shhhhhh.  It’s all right now.  Everything will be okay ...”

Misty was hissing at a large dog, not realizing the dog couldn’t see her, but was confused by what she heard ... and then the three of them were gone.

As Andrew settled on his favorite rock, he stroked the silky black feathers back the way they were supposed to be, and made soothing sounds for the rattled chicken.  “It’s all okay now.  We’ve got you.”

Her heart-rate slowed to normal, and she looked around taking stock of things.  Who was THIS, and why was he holding her,  who are all these CATS who had shown up silently, and where on earth was HERE?

“I can help with some of that!.” from a beautiful Sicilian Buttercup.  She had heard the commotion and came down from the Great Gate beyond which she lived with the man who raised her.

“You are here!  In the meadow that leads to the Rainbow Bridge.  This is where everyfur, everyfeather, every critter comes, to learn about the Promises!”

Andrew spoke. “She’s right. All of our Creator’s family are precious to Him, and He knows when even a sparrow falls.  Your fate was unexpected and unfortunate, but here you will be well and happy, and wait for the wonderful day of days when you are reunited with Cristie.  Time has no meaning here, so it will not seem all that long to you.”

“... and you can be here with us, and we have a lot of fun just doing nothing!!! Just being who we are!!!”  this, from another kitty, one they all seemed to look to for guidance.

There were dogs, too, and at first Beauty felt tremors of fear at seeing them.  “We will not hurt you.  We once lived with your human too. You mustn’t blame Laci.  It wasn’t YOU she attacked, it was the idea of “a chicken” or “prey”.  I know she’s sad, and ashamed.  She’s afraid Christie won’t love her the same as she did.  If you could find it in yourself to forgive Laci, it would help.”

“FORGIVE HER??????? You must be NUTS!!”  Beauty fluffed out all her feathers, making her look twice her size. It was all Andrew could do to contain his laughter as he held her and soothed her again.


“But that’s the good part! You don’t have to!  We send our thoughts and love to our families on earth all the time! You can do it all from here, and we will teach you. “

“You need to let Cristie know you are all right, and beautiful, and ... and ...”

Andrew chuckled.  “I’m sure she gets the idea.  Come, we must go to the Bridge now.”  And with that, he rose, and all of them vanished ...

.... and reappeared on the most beautifully hued Bridge anyone had ever seen.  Way off in the distance a great gate glistened in the morning sun.  There was a man standing near the gate, as if waiting for someone,

Andrew sat Beauty down on the Bridge. “It’s up to you, now.” he said.

The other animals gathered around below the bridge, all encouraging her at once. “You must accept the Creator’s promise to you that you will be cared for for all time, and one day united with those you loved.”

Beauty was puzzled, looked up at Andrew, and down at all these cats, dogs, birds, and even chickens! ducks, ponies .... and over there wildlife! FOXES!! oh dear!

The lovely buttercup looked up and said “Just jump.  Trust us. You will be fine.  No one will hurt you here.  I will visit, but right now I’m going back to my person who’s waiting for me by the gate.  He thought you might feel better with another chicken welcoming you, so he sent me down to the Bridge.  Bye for now ...”. and off she went to the Gate, and perched on the shoulder of the man waving to all the animals at the Bridge.

Just then a tiny blue finch flew up on the Bridge, and sat at Beauty’s feet.  “I’m Buddy, and my family’s cat bit my head off!!! “

At that, laughter broke out, and a tattered eared black cat mumbled “It wasn’t personal”.

Maggie moved to the edge of the Bridge ... ‘Here, jump down on me, I’m a soft landing spot.”

And before she knew what was happening, she found herself plopped on the back of a golden retriever (who really WAS soft!).  All the animals and birds gathered around her to welcome her.

As the din calmed down, Misty said “It’s time.  We will show you how to send your love to Christie, and to forgive Laci ... you’ll feel much better when you do.”

They moved to the edge of the meadow, closed their eyes, and opened their hearts ... across the miles, across time, across human knowledge of such things.

“It’s okay, Mom, I’m fine, all my feathers are where they should be.  Don’t be too mad at Laci, I’m sure she didn’t mean it.  I’ll wait ... you’ll come for me, right?”

As the angel faded from view he thought about these animals, the bond they had with their Creator as well as the bonds they had with their human companions who loved them.  Sometimes he envied those humans, and thought how wonderful it would be to have such a friend himself.  And then he heard it.

“I can hear you thinking, Andrew, and you KNOW better! humpf.  You have all of us, and we love you.”

Once again, Miss Pepper had the last word ...

©Rose Scott