Friday, April 24, 2020

Katom Khatool ...

Andrew watched as Kerry trimmed Katom’s fur.  He knew what was coming, there was no way to warn her or prepare her.  It saddened him. Angels could only do so much.
Katom was grateful for the Person who untangled him from the fence.      

“I am still afraid of people, as they have not always been kind in my life.  But she brings me food. I know she wants to pet me, but I am afraid.”

As a few days go by and only good things happen, “She has made me a soft warm place to sleep.  She continues to bring me food.  I shall follow her about the yard to see what she does ....”

“Perhaps today I will let her cut some mats from my beautiful furs. I have more time to groom now that I’m not faced with finding food.”

“I have let the nice lady catch me and take me to another.  I wonder what will be next?”

Andrew stroked the beautiful orange fur as Katom drifted off to sleep. He listened as the Vet spoke to Kerry on the telephone,  “He has feline leukemia, some abscesses, and is not a young cat.  It would be kinder if ...”

Sometimes he wished he had more power. This was one of those time.  Such a beautiful soul.  He held Katom against him, and faded from sight.

*. *. *. *. *

Tig and Storm were visibly upset, and hunted for Miss Pepper.  They knew her as one of the “elders” and perhaps she could tell them what was going on.

“What you are feeling is the anguish from the person who helped you on earth. Another comes, and you are sensing that”.

“But what do we DO about it?”  wailed Tig.

“Shhh, now, don’t cry.  It will be all right”. Pepper licked his ear as if to offer comfort.  She turned to find Misty headed her way.

“I got the message ... is he here yet” asked Misty, as she tried to comfort Storm.  “Let’s get them to Council Rock.  Andrew will be here soon I’m sure ...

The four kitties headed for the lovely meadow, banked on one side by beautiful oaks, elms, and willow trees, and across to the other side Crystal Creek, where the water was pure and sweet.

And as Pepper had said, there sat Andrew, with Katom on his lap.  “Tig! Storm!  I knew you’d be here, this is Katom.”

Andrew reached into his famous pockets for tidbits just right for kitties.

“They didn’t know what it was they were feeling. We tried to explain, but I’m not sure it helped any”,   Misty added.

“Ah, yes ... the “quickening” as I call it.   Because the three of you came from the same place, you were sensing Katom’s arrival.  You’ll learn to recognize it as it happens.”

Pepper added, “Those of us who lived with my Mama sense when she’s sad, and can usually know if someone comes.  Sometimes we know of others who did not live with our family, because we always can hear Mama’s thoughts.”

“Actually,” Andrew explained, “you’re hearing her prayers.  Because of her “writie box” as you call it, she knows people all over the world, people she’s never met except for the “box”.  You are attuned to her thoughts and prayers, as I am.  Everyone has an Angel.  I am hers, and therefore, yours.”

Katom purred as Andrew stroked his fur.  He was sad, he wished he had let Kerry pet him.

“Tig and Storm came not long ago, Katom, and now you are here as well.  Your time on earth came to an end.  The doctor who checked on you knew to allow you more days on earth would be to allow you to experience  horrible pain.  Though it broke Kerry’s heart, she did the best thing for you, which was to let you come here to us.”

“And we’ll show you how to visit her. ...”.  Misty always loved that part.  Teaching a newcomer how to send thoughts and comfort to those left behind.

“Will I be able to go back?” Katom asked.

“Not as you were, but as a spirit.  When she sits in her chair, she’ll know you are purring nearby.  When she goes to sleep at night, you can watch over her.”  Andrew continued petting the beautiful orange cat.  His mats were all gone, his fur glistened,   “She will know you are safe, and waiting for the day she comes to join all of you.”

“Don’t you think we should go?”  Pepper figured they’d sat there long enough, and the others were waiting at the Bridge.

Andrew rose, carrying Katom, with Tig, Storm, Misty and Pepper close to his robe, and they were gone....

“I see them! They’re here!”  Mouse, Mousie, Maggie and Molly were the first to see them, and the others gathered quickly.

Tig and Storm along with Misty and Pepper hopped down from the beautiful Rainbow Bridge.  Andrew gave Katom a final kiss on the top of his head, and then set him gently down on the Bridge.

“Now you must jump!  Accept the promise our Creator made to all of us, man and beast ... that one day we’d cross the Bridge to be reunited with our human family, and go through the Great Gates together for all eternity”.

Andrew smiled at Tig, who had really studied all he could find out about this place.

Katom looked at all the animals gathered to meet him. Cats, dogs, birds, wild critters like foxes, and bandit faced trash pandas, all of them as far as he could see.  They all looked at him happily ready to welcome him.

With one last look back at Andrew, Katom closed his eyes, and leaped gracefully off the Bridge.  As Andrew faded from sight, he knew all was well.  He felt the pain and sorrow of Kerry and the people at the veterinary clinic.  It was hard for them.. There were no tears here, these sweet animals would be loved, and cared for until they were reunited with the people who had loved them.  He watched as Katom went to the edge of the meadow, with Misty on one side, Pepper on the other, telling him to close his eyes, and purr as loudly as he could.

“I’m okay, Kerry, I’m here with the others.  I love you, and thank you for loving me.  Thank you for sending me here. I’ll see you in your dreams .....”

Andrew wiped a tear of his own.  All was well. It was as it should be.  As it was promised ..... “when even a sparrow falls ....”

© Rose Scott

Friday, April 10, 2020

What if ....

Misty was puzzled.  There was lots to learn, and much to understand. From a kitty’s purrspective life here was rather simple.  When something happened to you on Earth, you ended up here. To wait. But what if ...

Andrew silently scooped Misty up into his arms, and settled himself on “Council Rock” as some of them had dubbed it.  She didn’t fuss at him this time, if anything she was relieved that he knew she needed him without having to try to explain.

“I visited Mama.”  She said, without her normal enthusiasm.

“I know you did, sweetheart.”

“Of course you do. You know everything”.

It was unusual for Misty to be cranky, but Andrew understood her, and comforted her as best he could “Not everyone believes, sweetheart, but we really don’t know who does and who doesn’t.  That’s between the Creator and each person who ever walked the earth.”

“But someone comes, and I don’t know how to help her.  How will she find her way?”

“She’s already here, love ... over by the creek.  She’s sleeping now, but she’ll awake soon.”  Andrew understood what had this sweet kitty troubled.  Sometimes the answers weren’t satisfactory enough, and he had a hunch this might be one of those times, but he would do his best.

“I should be there when she wakes up” Misty said, looking over at the little dog snoozing peacefully in the sunlight.  “Peanut should be here, too.”

“I already am, Mist ...”

Sure enough, the plump little dachshund sat at their feet.  “Andrew brought me.”

Misty rolled her eyes.  Was there anything he COULDN’T do? But this wasn’t the time to go into all that.  She simply filed it away in her mind, on the ever lengthening list of things she wanted explained.

Sensing her thoughts, the angel chuckled.  She was quite the corker.  Some of his charges accepted everything across the board, with no questions.  Then there was Misty.  He stroked her head, right behind her little folded ears, just as she liked best.

“What’s up, Sis? Why the long face?”

“You’re the one with the long face. MINE is round.” She pouted.

Andrew laughed at them. They were quite the pair.  Never as close as Mouse and Maggie were, but still bonded.  Indeed Peanut DID have a long nose, as most dachshunds do.  But she was most lovable because she was never in a sour mood!

“So, what’s the plan? Do we have one?”  Peanut looked from one face to the other.  She saw a little dog by the creek, who was beginning to stir.  “Maybe we should just ‘wing’ it?!”

Andrew groaned at the pun.  “‘Wing it’ sounds good.”

With that, Misty hopped off Andrew’s lap, and together with the dachshund, headed over to the newest arrival.  As they grew close, the little dog stood up, faced them, ready to growl!

“Oh dear, maybe she doesn’t like cats.”  Misty hung back a few steps, and let Peanut take the lead.

“Welcome Mitzy!  We’re glad to see you!”

“Who are you, and who is that CAT that’s with you?”  The little dog wasn’t about to take any ‘stuff’ from anyfur, no matter what!

“Well, your length of days upon the earth has come to an end, and now you are here with us until you are reunited with Diane. But come with us, there’s someone you should meet.”  Peanut touched noses with the little dog, and after the customary sniff, the three of them headed back to Andrew.

“Welcome, Little One!”  Andrew picked up the little dog, and settled her upon his lap.  From the famous pockets came dog treats, as well as something for Misty.

“Who are you?” Eyeing the pocket for ‘seconds’, Mitzy thought to herself ‘I must remember about those pockets.’ “And where am I, and where’s Mama?”

“Peanut was right, your time on earth came to an end. You were unwell, and it was time for you to come to us.  This meadow is one of many where new travelers come.  The creek over there is Crystal Creek, which flows from the River of Life, that comes from beyond the Great Gates of Heaven.”

Mitzy nosed in the area of the wonderful pocket, and sure enough, another goodie was brought forth. “Are there more dogs there?”

Andrew smiled. “Dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, guinea pigs, as well as wild life.”

“And Chickens. Don’t forget the chickens”.  Peanut had been particularly intrigued by the arrival of not one, but two chickens in the past week.  And a visit from Grampa! He brought ANOTHER chicken.

“Yes, chickens.  Every creature who draws breath comes here eventually.  The Creator knows when even a sparrow falls.”  That was a particular favorite verse of Andrew’s. It was in the Book that man has on earth.

“But then what. I don’t want to be here, I want to be with Mama.”  Suddenly this wasn’t quite the adventure it had seemed to be at first. “How do I go back to her?”

“You can’t.  You wait here for her, with the rest of us.  When HER march of days ends, you will be reunited and go through the Great Gates of Heaven to be with the Creator for all time. This was His promise.”

“Oh.”  Mitzy sat still for a moment.  She thought about these things, and knew her Mama didn’t really believe in all this.  “What if ..”

Andrew petted her again.  “What goes on in the heart of man is between man and his Creator. We don’t always know what man believes.  We think we do, and sometimes man tells others of his kind that he doesn’t believe in all this.  All I can promise you is there are no tears in Heaven.  If your mama truly does not believe, you will not know, nor will you be hurt.”

“So, if she believes, then what?”

“When the earth was young, man wasted the gifts the Creator had given him. Man took things for granted, and forgot all about them.  This angered the Creator to the point where he put two of every living thing in a big boat, along with a family who had never stopped loving Him, and keeping His rules.  Then the Creator washed off the earth.  Destroyed it all.

“Sorry for what He had done in anger, He made a promise that He would never again do such a thing. He made a great rainbow, as a sign to all on earth of that promise.  Since then, those who believed were taken into Heaven upon their death, to be with the Creator for all time.

“Man would be united with his earthly family, including animals he had loved. All would be together again never to be hungry or cold, unwell or alone.”

Mitzy grew silent.  She had never heard her mama speak of such things.  What if Mama didn’t know of all this?

Peanut rolled over on her back for a belly rub.  Andrew knew JUST how to do it.  “That’s the best part! Your mama DOES know!  All she has to do is accept it!”

“Will I ever see her again?”

“Of course!  You can go to her when she is sleeping.  You can send your love to her whenever you want, we’ll show you how.  And if she closes her eyes, she’ll hear your nails upon the floor, or the little snuffing sound you make. She will hear your thoughts.”

With that, Mitzy perked up a little.  “How do I do this? Can we do it right now?”

“Hold on, Little One, first things first!  Come. It is time.”

“Time for what?”

“You’ll see!” The kitty with the curious ears spoke at last.

As Andrew rose, Mitzy tucked under his arm, Peanut and Misty close to the hem of his gown, they were gone from sight ....

.... and appeared again upon a beautiful Bridge made of every color of the rainbow.  The cat and the dachshund hopped off, to take their places with the other animals who were all gathered together.  Arrivals were always days of joy and celebration!  There were dogs, cats, birds, little critters, even fish carried in gourds of water!  Mitzy had never seen the likes of such a thing!  And wild animals too! Foxes, deer, wolves, and creatures she had no idea about.

“It’s time Mitzy! You must accept the promises the Creator made, and jump down from the Bridge to be with all of us!”  This from a beautiful golden retriever, upon whose ruff sat two fat hamsters.

Mitzy looked up at Andrew.  “You’re sure about this?  Is there ROOM for everybody?”

Andrew smiled. “Our Father’s house has many rooms!  Yes, I am sure. Your new friends are waiting. They will teach you all you need to know.  And I will be only a thought away whenever you need me.”

“You got THAT right!”

“Katie!  HONESTLY!.  You are totally without ...”

“Don’t fuss at her so, I know what she means.” Andrew smiled at Miss Pepper.  One of the oldest (in earth years) here, she often was the one unofficially ‘in charge’ of the others.  Katie, the large tiger cat and Pepper had lived together.  Pepper’s ‘rules of proper deportment’ were lost on Katie, who always said what was on her mind, no matter what!

“So I accept and I jump? Will Mama know? What do you mean ‘rooms’?”

“Yes.”  As Andrew faded from view, the little dog looked down at all the happy faces.  There was much to understand, that was for sure, but she wasn’t frightened, not at all.  Taking a deep breath, and closing her eyes, she hopped off the Bridge and was immediately surrounded, everyone welcoming her at once.  The birds above were all singing their best songs. It was all amazing!

Misty moved away from the others, to the edge of the meadow.  “Mama?”  She purred with all her might.  “She’s here with us, and she’s okay.  We will teach her how to send her thoughts to her mama just like we do.  Andrew says we are not to worry about the rest, that everything will be okay in the fullness of time.  I don’t know what he means, but he always seems to be right.

“I love you, Mama ... “

As Andrew faded from view, he marveled again at the bonds between these creatures and the people they lived with. He had often wished he could ...

“ANDREW! You KNOW better!”

If you listened closely, you could almost hear angel laughter ....

©Rose Scott


 Pepper and Mouse were snoozing in the afternoon sun, when they were interrupted by a scratching sound.  And another sound they couldn’t identify.  As they awoke and looked at each other, not sure how both of them dreamed the same thing, they noticed the source of the odd sounds.  It was a chicken, scratching in the soft earth, and clucking quietly.

“Did I wake you?” She asked, though not sorry, as it had been her intent.  She needed answers. “Are you in charge of things here?”

Mouse giggled at that, and studiously licked a paw to avoid having to answer.  She knew Miss Pepper often THOUGHT she was in charge.  The others lovingly called her “Sergeant Pepper” from time to time. 

“Well, yes, I guess,” she answered, looking around to see if anyone would challenge her.  “You’re Beauty, aren’t you? You came to us last week?”

“I am.  And I don’t know how any of this works, but you see, I’m feeling kind of weird. Like I ought to be DOING something about something, but I don’t know what.”

With a startled oof, she was scooped up, and deposited on the lap of the person? Angel? She had met when she first got here. When she didn’t know was where “here” was.  

Mouse and Pepper giggled.  “You’ll get used to that.  Or not.  Andrew hears our thoughts before we even think them sometimes. And he’s always where we need him to be, and then he takes us where WE need to be, and it all works out.  Eventually.”

As Andrew stroked the beautiful feathers, Beauty calmed down.  He produced chicken size treats from a pocket, and kitty treats from another.  Beauty wondered just how many pockets he had.

“Oh, enough, never worry?”

“Huh?” If a chicken could blush ... “I didn’t say anything ...”

“You don’t have to.  He knows what you’re thinking, before you think it,” Pepper explained.  

Mouse piped up, “What you are feeling is that another comes soon from your earth family.  Maybe you would like to be there for her?”

“What happened?” Beauty asked.

“One of your Christie’s chickens developed a problem that earth science couldn’t fix, and so Christie is sending her here to us.  I think if you look toward the creek you might see her?”

Beauty scrambled off Andrew’s lap, and headed toward the creek, just as a new chicken appeared out of nowhere.  “Laverne? Is that you?”

Laverne looked up to see her friend coming toward her as fast as a chicken can go.  “Beauty! Where are we? You’re here too! Where is here?”

“We’re in the meadow, by the creek, and there’s the rock and that’s Andrew sitting on it, and the cats won’t hurt us, and then we go to a bridge, and then we jump off, and there’s other animals, but the foxes won’t hurt us, and He knows when even a sparrow falls and ....”

Andrew’s sides shook with laughter.  It was always fun to watch a newly arrived critter meet another. The explanations were perfect!!

The two chickens went back to the rock where Andrew sat, composing himself.  He reached into a pocket and produced more snacks as the two birds warily watched the cats sitting beside him.

“What is this place?” Asked Laverne.

”Everything that Beauty told you is true, though there’s a little more to it than that.  When the earth was new, our Creator made all the birds of the air, the animals on land, and the people who were supposed to care for them.  He was pleased.  Then, when the people stopped caring about themselves, or anything else on the earth, the Creator washed it all off, except for two of every living thing.  He was a little ashamed of his anger, and so he made a promise that He would never do that again, and he set a beautiful rainbow in the clouds as a sign of that promise,” Andrew explained.

Pepper added “And then we cross that rainbow, which is really a bridge, and we wait for our people, and when they come we all go through the Great Gates to be together for all time.”

“Come, the others are waiting for us ....”. And with that, a chicken tucked under both arms, two cats at the Angel’s feet, all of them vanished ...

....and appeared on the Bridge.  Pepper and Mouse hopped off, as Andrew set the two chickens down at his feet.

“Now it’s your turn! You must accept the Promises the Creator made to all of us:  That He would know when even a tiny sparrow fell.  So, jump off the Bridge!”

Maggie often helped the smaller creatures at this point, as her lovely golden retriever fur made a soft landing! She wagged her tail, and said “I”m ready!”

The two chickens tumbled off the Bridge onto Maggie’s back, and then slid to the ground. There were introductions all around, the two wide-eyed chickens trying to take it all in.  There were foxes, and deer, cats, dogs, birds of more colors than even there Rainbow.  As he faded from view Andrew thought again about these wonderful animals and birds he had come to love as his own.  They were a family, they were HIS family.

Mouse slipped away from the others and went to the edge of the Meadow.  “Mama, they’re ok, they’re here with us ... tell Cristie, ok?”

The woman smiled in her sleep.  All was well ....

©Rose Scott