Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mellow Yellow ...

Sitting on the grass, back against a tree, Andrew marveled at the sweet creature on his lap.  Her black eyes with specks of gold totally captivated him.  Most of his charges have been mammals of one sort or another, some domesticated, some wild.  There was a gourami fondly called Pink Pad who was carefully included in get togethers, transported in a gourd of water carried by one of the dogs. 

She sat there looking at him, her color indicating she was relaxed and happy.  He reached out and plucked a dandelion blossom from a plant that hadn't been there ten minutes ago.  Accepting her treat, Melina continued to watch Andrew's face. 

"You feel much better now, don't you Pretty Girl.  You fought the good fight, but it was time for you to come be with us. We'll help you find others who lived with Neil ...   Time to meet some friends of mine!"

... and at that very moment several cats arrived with questioning looks on their faces, followed by some dogs, and other creatures she had never before seen.

"Andrew, what's going on? Why have you brought us? Did we miss something? Who just arrived? There's no one on the clover tuffet? What's that on your lap?" All of their voices at once, and yet he heard each one.  Melina looked at the odd assortment of animals who had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, all of whom she understood in their own languages, and all of whom seemed especially interested in treats being pulled out of  his pockets.

"Meet Melina!  She's a bearded dragon who had been rescued, but not in time to save her life.  Your mama again is the common denominator. She met Neil on the "writie box" as  you call it, and was touched by Melina's story.  Gus and Cody, your Boy (who is now grown with his own family) has a dragon!"

"So she's here with us now? Won't she be lonesome without other dragons" asked Misty, who stuck her nose in Melina's face.

"I'm afraid of dragons" whined Molly, who was not bouncing about as she usually did.  

"There's nothing to be afraid of here, you know that.  The fox kits play with the fawns all the time. And while she'll not EAT one, there are plenty of butterflies here to chase! And you'll have fun with Melina, she's able to run and climb trees but will always appreciate a warm spot to nape in ..."

"That would be me, of course,' offered Maggie, who loved to nap in the sun, and often  had one critter or another snuggled up to her soft tummy fur.

"Melina, people who were supposed to care for you did not.  Neil managed to rescue you and had hopes you would heal, but the disease had already taken all your strength.  He grieved so.  But, our Creator knows when it is time for animals, or people, or even plants and trees to accept His gift of life forever after. He sent you to us, rather than let you suffer any longer.  

A long time ago, God got mad at the way humans where destroying the beautiful world He created for them to live in, and in that anger, washed everything living off of the earth. There was only a huge boat filled with two of each kind to repopulate after everything dried off.  

He promised those who believe  in Him that he would never do that again, and put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol of that promise.  Other angels and I greet the animals who come to the Bridge, and see to it that all their needs are met.  When the people who had lived with those animals come to Heaven, they are reunited with all who have come before."

"But how do they know ..."  Melina looked sadly at Andrew.  

"Sweet girl, our Creator knows when even the tiniest bird falls. All have places here in  heaven. The wild life who didn't live with people are here too.  Our Father's house has many rooms."

"He says that a lot" said a funny little cat with folded ears.  "We've figured out some of it and the rest we just don't worry about, well, because there's just nothing to worry about here!!"

Andrew rose, with Melina safely in his arms, and all of them faded in the mist ...

.... only to appear again at the end of a beautiful bridge made of every color of the rainbow.  Many more animals had assembled, knowing there would be a newcomer.  Even the fish in a gourd of water! They were all looking up at Andrew in anticipation.  The animals who had been with Andrew and Melina hopped off the bridge.

"Now is when you accept all that the God promised you! Accept by jumping down from the Bridge!"

Melina looked down at the sea of faces all turned her way, welcoming smiles on their faces. She saw birds arriving and perching in trees, or on deer antlers, or whatever (or whomever) was handy.  She looked up at Andrew, speaking finally ... "I am afraid..."

With that, Cody moved closer and said "Slide off onto my back! I'm a good landing pad!

She took one last look at Andrew's face, at his smile, and the eyes that told her all of this was real, held her breath, and slid ... plop!

As the others crowded around her, everyone chattering at once as usually happened, he marveled again at these creatures God had made. All so very different, all so fascinating.  Sometimes he wished he wasn't ...

"Now Andrew" chided Miss Pepper ...but  you have ALL of us.  Had you been human, only a few of us."

As Andrew faded from sight he sighed, smiling.  What a wonderful thing to be an angel!

©Rose Scott

 again is the "common denominator"

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mr. Wuss


Wuss was frustrated; and before she knew it, there were a circle of tabby cats around her, all purring to beat the band. As she found herself being lifted by gentle hands to a comfortable position, she heard Katie’s voice saying, “We’ve got you kiddo, now what’s all the fuss about?” Common courtesy wasn’t one of Katie’s strong points. But she and Wuss had a bond ... as did the other MPTs gathering one by one.

“It would seem that another comes ...” The angel stroke Wuss’s back comfortingly, as treats appeared in every size and shape ...  He is resting on that tuffet of clover you all know about. 

“Many years ago, Wuss came to us, leader of the MPT movement on the ‘writie box’ as some of you call it.  Your humans were united all over the world by a common love of your kind.  Money was raised to help with feral colonies, vet bills, as well as some philanthropic concerns.”

“What’s fill elan tripik?” This from one of the littler ones ...

“It’s when humans do stuff for other humans without expecting anything in return. Our people did it a lot of times. Once even a quilt was made for a little boy who was too sick to have his own kitty,” Mittens replied, and then embarrassed, studiously scrubbed a paw. 

Andrew chuckled.  Their explanations for things, and understandings of even more so often transcended those of the people who enjoyed the company of cats, or any other critters for that matter. And he felt his position as angel enhanced so very much by all they had taught HIM.

“So, what’s happening now?” piped up another.

“My son has come to us.” This was from a shy lady who was tucked up safely beside Wuss.  “The human who helped us loved him and looks after his brother who has refused to live in her house where he would be safer.

“When he was a baby peeper, she followed me to where my nest was, and we moved to safer ground as storms were coming.  He eventually gave in and lives on her porch.

“She fed us and watched over us ... but only my son remained with her.  His brother did NOT want to be a house panther.  After much screaming he shot out the door.  He is living the life of safety on her porch, which suits both of them.

“But my baby (she named him Mr. Wuss) ...

“After ME!!” they heard as Wuss stood tall and posed her tail in a perfect question mark.

  “... yes, like Wuss ... his number of days on earth came to an end.  He was tired and comforted that Dusty would continue to watch over their human benefactor.”

Andrew loved hearing the stories of all the kitties from a group of humans scattered all over the globe, there were so MANY of them!

“Yeah, but remember, YOU are the special one to have ALL of us, not just a few.”  Pepper sat tall; her parasol opened fully over many of them.

As was often the case, Andrew had been put in his place!  “Perhaps it’s time then,” he suggested.

With that, Wuss and Katie took off to awaken their newest arrival, leaving a host of kitties, a few dogs, some possums and trash pandas behind with Andrew, as he served treats from his mystical pockets ...

Wuss leaned close and nosed at the slumbering tabby.  “Time to wake up my friend.”

Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he stood, staring at the two cats who looked so much like he did.  “What .... Where is this place? What's happening?”

“Oh, we’ll be explaining that for the next decade,” Katie laughed, remembering her own arrival, and the hundreds of others who had come since then.  “But first, a drink, from Crystal Creek”, she commanded.  “It comes from the River of Liife, and THAT comes from beyond those great gates up on the hill that led to Heaven.”

Totally confused, but grateful for a command he could follow, he drank.  ‘My, but that tastes good’ he thought, something I’ll have to ask about ...

And with that, the trio turned and headed back to Andrew and the others.  Mr. Wuss was puzzled, looking at all those animals, and moderately alarmed that some of them were not necessarily house cats.  But none of them seemed stressed, and all of them wanted to welcome their newcomer.  But the dude on the rock puzzled him.  It looked like a human, in a bathrobe, but it obviously wasn’t.  And every one of them were enjoying treats that came from that bathrobe’s pockets!

Gently putting one of the opossums back onto the grass beside him, Andrew reached for Mr. Wuss, and settled him in the vacated spots.  “Welcome, young man!”

“Um, thank you, but who are YOU, and where did all these others come from? I knew one or two of them ...  but ...”

Andrew stroked the silky fur, as the body beneath his hand warmed and grew into the young body the cat had once had.  This was always the fun part. Explaining who, why, where ... and knowing the others would make it far clearer than he ever could, angel rank notwithstanding.

“Know that you are loved, welcomed, and all is well.”

“But Karen. I must get back to her.  She won’t understand where I went. She’ll be worried, I’ve got to ...”

“No can do, Pal, you’re one of us now.  She’ll know.”  With that, the swift swipe of an indignant paw caught Katie by surprise.

“You are TOTALLY TACTLESS!”  Pepper had dropped her parasol and clobbered Kate. “No matter how hard I try, you STILL remain hopeless!”

The others were overcome with laughter, at a scene often replayed by the trio known as Patty’s Pride. 

“Mr. Wuss,” Andrew explained as he rose, cradling Mr. Wuss, with the other crowding close as they all faded from view ...

    *              *             *       *

“They’re here! They’re here!!!” 

As the mist lifted, the most amazing site he’d ever seen struck Mr. Wuss speechless. All the others hopped nimbly off the most beautiful bridge he’d ever seen, crafted of every hue of a rainbow, including colors he’d never been able to see before.  There were cats, dogs, horses, birds .... so many birds ... wildlife, hamsters clinging to the ruffs of fluffy dogs, large Great Pyrenees (and how did he know that? Another question ...) carrying a gourd of water with a pink fish trying to splash water at him ... and beyond them people. People he had never met, but somehow, he knew who they were ...

“Now you gotta jump off! Like we did!”  this from a rather fat opossum. 

“Yes, my love, you must jump.  Inso doing you are accepting the promise our Creator made to all living things ... that He would know when even a sparrow fell, that His house had many rooms, and there were many meadows like the one where you awoke.”  This from Mittens again ...

“And if it’s too far, you can land on me,” offered Gus, a handsome (and fluffy) Bernese Mountain dog who moved to the edge of the bridge ...

That did it. “I can jump just fine sir. I don’t need a DOG to help me!” was the indignant answer.  And with that, Mr.Wuss hopped nimbly into the throng of waiting animals.  Though they were all chattering at once, he understood them all, whether they spoke in cat, dog, bird or fox ...

.... it was as it should be.  As Andrew faded from sight a small parasol fell to the ground as Pepper lept to his waiting arms. She purred her love.  He never got tired of this.  They were indeed all his, to love and protect.  No angel ever had a better job!

© Rose Scott 7/2024

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Explaining things ...

 Bella still was full of questions. And that’s all that it took to find her on Andrew’s lap, under a magnificent banyan tree.  

“Questions, Little One?” He asked“Seems you aren’t the only ones!”  Andrew offered treats to the great Pyrenees, and the mountain dog who had joined them under the tree. 


“The simplest answer” Andrew said, “is our Father’s house has many rooms”.  


“Huh? What house? What rooms?” asked Gus. 


Andrew rubbed doggy ears just the right way. A few of the kitties had joined them, which prompted more treats from those magical pockets.  


“The common denominator, for all of you is Mousie’s mama, who was also mama to Misty, Buttercup, Flyser!, and many, many others. Before them, there was Pepper, Katie, Nikki, and many before them as well. Your mama spends a lot of time talking to people, both in person, and on the ‘writie box’ as you call it. Because of this, she becomes aware of animals and other families. She also has a keen eye toward wildlife, worrying about if they have enough to eat, and how to best honor them when death comes to them. There’s a connection that flows from her to all of you. While there are many Meadows, many little tufts of clover, there are also many other angels who greet animals who come to the Rainbow Bridge, to wait there for their families to join them.” 


“But, what about the homeless ones in shelters? Who are they reunited with?” 


“Our creator has a special place for them. Many of them find rescue workers like your mama and other people who rescue wildlife, but there are angels who tend to them, as well as people who come here from earth, who are thrilled to meet them, and add them to their own animal families. There’s enough love to go around,” he said. No one comes here alone or abandoned. All who come here are welcomed, loved, and have their needs met.” 


Mousie piped up, “you mean that thing where He knows when even the smallest sparrow falls?” 


“You are absolutely right,” replied the angel. “The Creator sees all of us, all of you and more that you’ve never seen. And He cares for all of them. And they will someday be here, while perhaps not in this meadow, in another like it because there are many meadows. No one is forgotten.” 


Cody and Gus looked at each other in someway understanding, and in other ways not. "We came here along time ago. Well, not here, but we left the earth, and the man who loved us. And it’s only recently that we’ve come to this meadow. How is that?” 


Andrew ruffled the furry coat of one of the big dogs, as they sat beside him. Cody rested his head on Andrew’s lap. “We didn’t know about all this. We were well, and happy, though we missed our family quite a bit. And then one afternoon, a golden retriever named Maggie, and the funniest little cat named Pepper, who carried a parasol of all things, showed up in front of us. Without a whole lot of explanation, they insisted we come with them and the next thing we knew we were here. Wherever here is. Are you telling me that all of the critters that are here have been touched in some way by the same person, even though we didn’t live with that person?” 


"That’s about as simply put as it can be. There is a link here that keeps all of you together. The link is the one known as mama to Misty, Mouse, Pepper, Katie, Mittens, and so many others. It is through her love and understanding as she speaks to other pet parents that you all find yourselves and your lives, intertwined.” 


“I’m sure the others have taught you how to send your love and thoughts back to the earth to the people who once lived with you. You were never really gone; you are in the memories and hearts of the people who loved you. Just as the wild critters are in the memory and heart of this woman who does her best to look out for all of you.” 


Gus studiously scrubbed a paw. He had heard one of the cats say “when in doubt, wash“. Seemed like a good idea at the time, it gave him a moment to think about things, and how he would word the next question he had. 


“How is it that we all understand each other? Whether we speak dog, or cat, or bird, or whatever, we seem to be able to understand each other. How is this?” 


Andrew chuckled. “I suppose you could say it’s one of the perks of being here. Just as I can understand all of you, you can understand each other. And there is no animosity here, cats playfully chase mice, mice, being, totally fearless, and knowing that they’re not going to get caught and be eaten. Foxes play with fawns while mother deer watches. Everyone is safe here. Everyone has a place. There is no fear, no pain, no ill health. This is the hereafter that our Creator provided for us. I’ve heard it called a ‘mystery’ and perhaps that’s the best word for this. It is truly a mystery, and no one will fully understand it until they’ve come here, and gone up the hill through the great gates.” 


“In the meantime, all of you can get to know each other better, swap stories about where you were, and who you were with, talk about the people that had loved you, and at any time you can send your love, and your thoughts, to those you left behind. They can’t see you anymore, but you’re never really gone. You live in their hearts and in their memories. You can comfort them when they’re asleep. There have been many nights when Mousie has kept a vigil over her mama because so many things cause anxiety for her mama. There are nights when she curls up on the pillow, and purrs, knowing that her mama hears her, even though she’s asleep. It’s the same for all of you from the smallest mouse to the biggest bear, from the littlest kitten to the largest dog. Here is simply a waiting place. Where time isn’t measured the way it is measured on earth. It may seem like a long time to the people who miss you, but for you, it won’t seem long at all till they’re here.” 


Andrew watched as the dogs and cats around him digested his words. He had had many similar talks with others when they came, and he remembered Grandpa Max with whom he had many conversations. It always pleased him when Max would come back to be with him for an afternoon. Max had by now been joined by his human, and he and other kitties, had all gone through the gates to heaven. But they were still free to come, and go, and as Max had had a special relationship with Andrew, he often visited. 


Slowly, the animals curled up and drifted off to sleep. He smiled at Mouse and Misty who were snuggled up tp the two large, furry dogs. Just as they were often snuggled up with Maggie and Molly, the golden retrievers who had come here some time ago. These were new friends, who had come to this family of critters more recently. As Andrew learned more about the woman on earth, he did what he could to find others, who have already arrived at some other time, and brought them here. 


Katie, in her simple unabashed way had said “Andrew has them transferred to our meadow”. It had struck him funny, but in reality that was about what happened. He slowly undid himself from the pile of sleeping animals, and left them to their dreams … 


…. and once again marveled at all of them, grateful for his time with them ... 


 c) Rose Scott

January 3, 2023