Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mr. Wuss


Wuss was frustrated; and before she knew it, there were a circle of tabby cats around her, all purring to beat the band. As she found herself being lifted by gentle hands to a comfortable position, she heard Katie’s voice saying, “We’ve got you kiddo, now what’s all the fuss about?” Common courtesy wasn’t one of Katie’s strong points. But she and Wuss had a bond ... as did the other MPTs gathering one by one.

“It would seem that another comes ...” The angel stroke Wuss’s back comfortingly, as treats appeared in every size and shape ...  He is resting on that tuffet of clover you all know about. 

“Many years ago, Wuss came to us, leader of the MPT movement on the ‘writie box’ as some of you call it.  Your humans were united all over the world by a common love of your kind.  Money was raised to help with feral colonies, vet bills, as well as some philanthropic concerns.”

“What’s fill elan tripik?” This from one of the littler ones ...

“It’s when humans do stuff for other humans without expecting anything in return. Our people did it a lot of times. Once even a quilt was made for a little boy who was too sick to have his own kitty,” Mittens replied, and then embarrassed, studiously scrubbed a paw. 

Andrew chuckled.  Their explanations for things, and understandings of even more so often transcended those of the people who enjoyed the company of cats, or any other critters for that matter. And he felt his position as angel enhanced so very much by all they had taught HIM.

“So, what’s happening now?” piped up another.

“My son has come to us.” This was from a shy lady who was tucked up safely beside Wuss.  “The human who helped us loved him and looks after his brother who has refused to live in her house where he would be safer.

“When he was a baby peeper, she followed me to where my nest was, and we moved to safer ground as storms were coming.  He eventually gave in and lives on her porch.

“She fed us and watched over us ... but only my son remained with her.  His brother did NOT want to be a house panther.  After much screaming he shot out the door.  He is living the life of safety on her porch, which suits both of them.

“But my baby (she named him Mr. Wuss) ...

“After ME!!” they heard as Wuss stood tall and posed her tail in a perfect question mark.

  “... yes, like Wuss ... his number of days on earth came to an end.  He was tired and comforted that Dusty would continue to watch over their human benefactor.”

Andrew loved hearing the stories of all the kitties from a group of humans scattered all over the globe, there were so MANY of them!

“Yeah, but remember, YOU are the special one to have ALL of us, not just a few.”  Pepper sat tall; her parasol opened fully over many of them.

As was often the case, Andrew had been put in his place!  “Perhaps it’s time then,” he suggested.

With that, Wuss and Katie took off to awaken their newest arrival, leaving a host of kitties, a few dogs, some possums and trash pandas behind with Andrew, as he served treats from his mystical pockets ...

Wuss leaned close and nosed at the slumbering tabby.  “Time to wake up my friend.”

Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he stood, staring at the two cats who looked so much like he did.  “What .... Where is this place? What's happening?”

“Oh, we’ll be explaining that for the next decade,” Katie laughed, remembering her own arrival, and the hundreds of others who had come since then.  “But first, a drink, from Crystal Creek”, she commanded.  “It comes from the River of Liife, and THAT comes from beyond those great gates up on the hill that led to Heaven.”

Totally confused, but grateful for a command he could follow, he drank.  ‘My, but that tastes good’ he thought, something I’ll have to ask about ...

And with that, the trio turned and headed back to Andrew and the others.  Mr. Wuss was puzzled, looking at all those animals, and moderately alarmed that some of them were not necessarily house cats.  But none of them seemed stressed, and all of them wanted to welcome their newcomer.  But the dude on the rock puzzled him.  It looked like a human, in a bathrobe, but it obviously wasn’t.  And every one of them were enjoying treats that came from that bathrobe’s pockets!

Gently putting one of the opossums back onto the grass beside him, Andrew reached for Mr. Wuss, and settled him in the vacated spots.  “Welcome, young man!”

“Um, thank you, but who are YOU, and where did all these others come from? I knew one or two of them ...  but ...”

Andrew stroked the silky fur, as the body beneath his hand warmed and grew into the young body the cat had once had.  This was always the fun part. Explaining who, why, where ... and knowing the others would make it far clearer than he ever could, angel rank notwithstanding.

“Know that you are loved, welcomed, and all is well.”

“But Karen. I must get back to her.  She won’t understand where I went. She’ll be worried, I’ve got to ...”

“No can do, Pal, you’re one of us now.  She’ll know.”  With that, the swift swipe of an indignant paw caught Katie by surprise.

“You are TOTALLY TACTLESS!”  Pepper had dropped her parasol and clobbered Kate. “No matter how hard I try, you STILL remain hopeless!”

The others were overcome with laughter, at a scene often replayed by the trio known as Patty’s Pride. 

“Mr. Wuss,” Andrew explained as he rose, cradling Mr. Wuss, with the other crowding close as they all faded from view ...

    *              *             *       *

“They’re here! They’re here!!!” 

As the mist lifted, the most amazing site he’d ever seen struck Mr. Wuss speechless. All the others hopped nimbly off the most beautiful bridge he’d ever seen, crafted of every hue of a rainbow, including colors he’d never been able to see before.  There were cats, dogs, horses, birds .... so many birds ... wildlife, hamsters clinging to the ruffs of fluffy dogs, large Great Pyrenees (and how did he know that? Another question ...) carrying a gourd of water with a pink fish trying to splash water at him ... and beyond them people. People he had never met, but somehow, he knew who they were ...

“Now you gotta jump off! Like we did!”  this from a rather fat opossum. 

“Yes, my love, you must jump.  Inso doing you are accepting the promise our Creator made to all living things ... that He would know when even a sparrow fell, that His house had many rooms, and there were many meadows like the one where you awoke.”  This from Mittens again ...

“And if it’s too far, you can land on me,” offered Gus, a handsome (and fluffy) Bernese Mountain dog who moved to the edge of the bridge ...

That did it. “I can jump just fine sir. I don’t need a DOG to help me!” was the indignant answer.  And with that, Mr.Wuss hopped nimbly into the throng of waiting animals.  Though they were all chattering at once, he understood them all, whether they spoke in cat, dog, bird or fox ...

.... it was as it should be.  As Andrew faded from sight a small parasol fell to the ground as Pepper lept to his waiting arms. She purred her love.  He never got tired of this.  They were indeed all his, to love and protect.  No angel ever had a better job!

© Rose Scott 7/2024

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