Friday, December 31, 2021


 Pnut was a dog on a mission. The others were still sleeping though whispers of dawn filtered through the tree branches. The nocturnals were  choosing their spots. Angels never sleep, Andrew was no exception. Carefully removing himself from small furry friends he scooped up  the little dog. 

“If you had hands you’d be wringing them”. Though he could already see what had transpired he thought it best to let Pnut continue. 

“Mama was up late, reading the writie box. I must find Dottie.”

“East old girl, you know how this works. Even as we speak Dottie is sleeping in the clover. You have time before she awakes.”

Peanut relaxed in the angel’s embrace. “I know, it’s just that … well … Mama has this special friend, and Dottie is her dog, and I don’t want her to be alone …”.

Andrew settled himself on the big rock.  “You know none of you are ever alone. Angels never sleep, though we do rest.”

“I think I’ll go curl up beside her so she doesn’t get scared.”

Andrew lowered Pnut to the ground and off she went. Dottie had not yet begun to awaken. She knew it was time for Dottie to leave Deb but she also knew how torn up both Dottie and Deb would be. She stretched out next to the sleeping dog, keeping her vigil. How much like Sophie’s was Dottie’s coat …

Slowly Dottie began to stir. She yawned and stretched before seeing her companion. Odd to not see Deb though …

“Hi Dottie! It’s nice to see you. Uh, no it’s not nice, because that means … oh dear, I’m making a mess of things …”

The bewildered new comer wasn’t sure how to respond to that. As she looked up, a red and white Aussie joined them. 

Pnut sighed in relief. Artie would know what to say …

“How about a drink from the Creek, then there’s this cool dude for you to meet! And keep an eye on his pockets!!”

Now totally confused, but realizing she WAS kinda thirsty, Dottie did as suggested. Once she had her fill, she followed the other two. 

“Greetings Dottie,” the angel said, as he fished in his famous pockets for just the right tidbits. “I see Artie and Pnut have filled you in?”

Pnut hung her head. “I bungled that. Artie bailed me out”.

Andrew chuckled. Those two had arrived together and were inseparable it seemed. He scooped up the newcomer. Best to start over, he thought. 

“Um, could somebody please tell me where I am and how to get back to my Mommy? I’ve been sick and she’s been worried but I feel all better now. I want to go home.”

“Ah yes. About that. Your body was tired, and you were sick. The doctors had no way to make you well, so they agreed to send you here.”

“And ‘here’ is really cool! We can run and jump and play, eat all the cookies we want and never get fat …”

“You’re already fat, Cupcake!”

That did it. Andrew couldn’t hold his laughter any longer. Pnut took a swipe at Artie, and off they went, leaving Dottie even more bewildered. 

“Don’t mind them, they’re the dearest of friends, and they did arrive together. Artie’s mom was Pnut’s mom’s daughter.”

Now TOTALLY confused, but remembering about pockets, nosed a bit at the angel’s robe. 

“Your time on earth had come to an end, and you were unwell”. Andrew pulled forth cookies. “Our Creator has provided for every living thing, and as a sign of that He created a great bridge out of a rainbow. 

“When man and beast have served their length of days, our Creator brings them Home, to be with Him through all eternity.”

“Is my mommy coming too?” Things we’re looking up!

“Not yet, Little One. She has much to do before she comes. But one day she WILL  come, and be reunited with you. You’ll never be parted again.” 

“And how long is that gonna be?”

“Time is different here than on earth. For her it will seem to be forever, but for you not at all.”

Pnut and Artie returned and plopped themselves down in front of Andrew. 

“I see you discovered pockets! You’re always thinking about food!”

And on cue, from the famous pockets came fresh tidbits. 

“I think it’s time for this little girl to meet the others.” Andrew rose, a dachshund under each arm in the ‘approved football carry’, Artie at his feet, and they faded from sight …

… and appeared upon the great bridge of many colors. 

“They’re here!”

“Yes, what took you guys so long?”

“Come down from there Pnut,” from the ever present Maggie, offering her services as ‘sliding board’ for pudgie puppies!

Molly took her cue and positioned herself for Dottie. 

Dottie looked, amazed at all the different animals all gathered to meet her. 

“And you’re sure about all this?” she asked, searching the angel’s face for confirmation.

“I am! The others will teach you how to visit,  and your mom will know you’re not really gone.”  He lowered Dottie to the bridge and slowly faded into the mist. Molly was in position, the others had told Dottie to jump, and with one last backward glance where the angel had been, squeezed her eye shut and slid off the bridge to the waiting throng. 

Andrew watched, always fascinated by these wonderful creatures. A pair of kitties moved quietly away, toward the edge of the meadow. 

“Mama, tell Debi Dottie is here with us, safe and sound. We will teach her all she needs to know. And, Mama?  We love you too. Now go to sleep! You’ve been up all night!”

Andrew chuckled. He looked down, and saw the woman sheepishly turn off her computer. He just HAD to have the best job ever!

©️Rose Scott


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